Irene Lazaridis
Jerome Lawrence & Robert E. Lee
June 8-9, 2018
The Waterwell Drama ProgramTheater Arts Class of 2018
One of the most outstanding dramas of our time, Inherit the Wind is a courtroom drama based on the Scope Monkey Trial. When a science teacher is arrested for teaching evolution in a Bible Belt school, two lawyers will come head to head on religion, science and the right to be an independent, free thinker in America. Directed by Irene Lazaridis and presented in the auditorium in June.
Cast: Isabella Burke, Laurel Caruso, Robert Dakwar, Josh Feldman, Rose Fleischer-Black, Anya Jimenez, Katelyn Kennedy-Staggs, Sadie Martinez, Greg Papadapoulos, Fiona Slattery, Dev Stolkiner, Kaci Walfall
Stage Management by Amy Marin
Scenic & Properties Design by Ryan Wilbat
Costume Design by Grace Jeon
Lighting Design by Val Insardi
Sound Design by Caitlin Moore
Photos by Ryan Jensen