Heather Lanza
William Shakespeare
The Waterwell Drama Program Graduating Class of 2020
February 1-3, 2018
Julius Caesar follows the ancient Roman history of the assassination of Julius Caesar. In this direction, this story is set in an all girls private school, where secrets of conspiracy are whispered in the halls and political revolt breaks out in classrooms.
Cast: Sara Arce, Isabella Friedman, Julia Grzyb, Miranda Jackel, Grace Kilgallen, Alice Kris, Fiona Lopez, Jessica Moverman, Victoria Muniz, Josi Oz, Jude Packer, Sadie Parker, Ava Szymanski
Stage Management and Lighting Design by Kat Meister
Fight Choreography by Raphael Peacock
Assistant Directed by Victoria Muniz
Assistant Stage Managed by Sara Arce
Photos by Ryan Jensen