The Last Year in the Life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. As Devised by Waterwell: A Rock Operetta

Tom Ridgely
Lauren Cregor
Lynn Peterson
June 21-August 11, 2007
Barrow Street Theatre
New York Magazine Culture Award Nomination, Best New Musical
An all-new theatrical event about one of America’s most loved and misunderstood figures. Taking inspiration from the legendary speeches, interviews, and private notes of Martin Luther King, the obscured history of his last days shines with new meaning in this surprising new musical. Featuring an exuberant score of rock, soul, and blues, The|King|Operetta adds shading and nuance to King’s towering legend. Although he was known for non-violence, this urgent rendering of his final year reveals the fiery fortitude beneath Dr. King’s stormy quest for peace.
Starring: Hanna Cheek, Rodney Gardiner, Arian Moayed, Tom Ridgely, Kevin Townley
Musicians: Lauren Cregor, Jeremy Daigle, Gunter Gruner, Joe Morse
Scenic Design: David Lombard
Costume Design: Elizabeth Payne
Lighting Design: Stacey Boggs
Sound Design: Jeff Devine
Associate Lighting Design: Zack Brown
Stage Manager: Taylor James
Graphic Design: Brian McMullen
Press Representative: O&M; Co.
Legal Counsel: Elizabeth Valentina, Jenner & Block
Photos by: Ryan Jensen
“MLK’s Life Captured in Operetta” -Associated Press
“‘The Last Year’ Nearly Reaches the Promised Land” -New York Press
“The\King\Operetta” -The L Magazine
“The Last Year in the Life of the Reverend Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. as Devised by Waterwell: A Rock Operetta”
“An affecting, wholly original new musical. King’s powerful speeches are interspersed with behind-the-scenes vignettes of meetings, home life, and Oval Office comic relief. This production reveals the humanity behind his historic struggle.”